Tuesday, June 26, 2012

One Step...

26th June2012 marked the first match for the national championship round. Both team had their first match, juniors in the morning and seniors in the scorching afternoon sun. We won both matches, junior and senior with scores that were acceptable but still far from our target.

I had the honour of watching the seniors play and I have to say that they did play fairly well considering it was their first *match-match* with the new line up...(Wan Ern, get well soon. We missed you on court.)

Well, final score, TKP SENIORS vs GREENRIDGE SENIORS, 30-13.
Like what Sara, the captain, mentioned.. "It's just our first match. We'll show you better next time."
Alas, we shall see this Thursday. I know you girls can do it if you put your mind to it...

So, for now, enjoy the pictures... (Pardon my poor photography skills)

Till the next match!
